Tactus Therapy - Improving Reading for Stroke Survivors

Tactus Therapy – Improving Reading for Stroke Survivors

Tactus Therapy – Improving Reading for Stroke Survivors

Place: Online

Cost: Free to read; apps have various costs


Tactus Therapy is a for-profit company that has developed speech therapy apps for adults recovering from strokes. Speech-language pathologists often recommend the apps for additional home practice exercises.

While on the Tactus Therapy website, you can use the Tactus App Finder to find apps. Most apps have a free Lite version to sample the activity. Afterward, you can purchase the whole app, which provides unlimited hours of practice.  Apps can help with improving talking, understanding, reading, and writing,

Tactus Therapy recently released the evidence-based “Using Speech Therapy Apps to Treat Reading in Adults with Aphasia Guide” to help people with aphasia improve their reading skills. This unique guide details the app progression Tactus Therapy recommends moving from words to sentences and concluding with paragraphs. The apps concentrate on reading and comprehension. They have even included some bonus apps that may help with reading.


Using Speech Therapy Apps to Treat Reading in Adults with Aphasia Guide: https://tactustherapy.com/using-apps-reading-comprehension/

Tactus Therapy https://tactustherapy.com