Getting to Know Elyse Gordon, ACC Secretary
How long have you been involved with the ACC? One year
What is your background? I am a speech-language pathologist who solely treats adults with neurological and neurogenic issues, including aphasia, dementia, apraxia, dysarthria, and dysphonia. I have been a speech therapist for almost 30 years and have lived and practiced in Florida for almost 20 years.
What brought you to pursue a relationship with the ACC? I had a friend introduce me to this awesome group one year ago with the challenge to teach some functional math classes, which has grown to three classes a month, including a functional writing class, and now as an additional role as Secretary on the board of directors.
What advice would you offer to people with aphasia? Be patient and understand that every day will be different, and every routine will eventually change. We must be flexible and out-of-the-box thinkers to live with the best quality of life possible.
What is your biggest accomplishment in the last year? I have overcome some personal health challenges, and I have learned to accept the things I cannot change and make the best of every day, even when it is really challenging and upsetting.
What is your favorite thing to do? Too many to pick one…I love to read, watch movies, and do Florida things outside, including using the pool for exercise and relaxation, as well as watching sports and spending time with my family, including my son, who is 16, and my husband of almost 20 years.
What is your favorite thing to read about? I love dorky romance novels, including Danielle Steel, and nonfiction. Lately, I have enjoyed listening to books on Audible so that I can listen while doing household chores. I am always open to recommendations!!
Do you have any kids? I have one son, who is 16 and is entering his junior year in high school (I can’t believe it).
Do you have any pets? I have never had a pet; interestingly enough, neither has my husband.
What is your favorite flavor of ice cream? Chocolate peanut butter or anything with coffee flavoring.
Where is your favorite place to spend time? I enjoy being at home, in my backyard, in fun stores, or in the library.
Is there anything else you would like to tell us about yourself? I enjoy getting to know people and helping to figure things out. I feel like there is nothing that we can’t figure out if we do it together, and I love to be challenged. Also, I am a huge early-to-rise person who goes to bed early and completes my best work in the morning before 8 am. One last thing: if you ever want to be on my good side, allow me to drink coffee with or around you, and everything will be just fine
Aphasia Community Center, Inc.