Constant Therapy - Home After Stroke

Constant Therapy Health – Home after stroke: Stroke recovery tips and resources for you

Constant Therapy Health – Home after stroke: Stroke recovery tips and resources for you

Place: Online

Cost: Free to read, 14-day free trial for programs; program costs vary


You are home after having a stroke, and you may be asking yourself, “Now what?” Constant Therapy Health is an online for-profit company that provides at-home speech, cognitive, and language therapy when recovering from neurological conditions, including a stroke, traumatic brain injury, aphasia, dementia, and other neurological conditions. They offer a 14-day free trial. But reading their articles is FREE.

Constant Therapy Health’s BrainWire blog recently published five articles highlighting various aspects of neurological recovery and how they may help you now that you are home. The articles cover Managing Sensory Overload, Knowing Gaps in Neurological Recovery, Support Groups, Emotional Well-Being, and Sense of Identity.

You are not alone on the challenging path of stroke recovery. Remember that recovery extends beyond regaining lost abilities. It is also about your resilience, determination, and everyday sense of self.


Home After Stroke Article

Constant Therapy Health