National Aphasia Association

National Aphasia Association (NAA)

National Aphasia Association (NAA)

Place: Online

Cost: FREE; Donations accepted

The NAA is a 501(c)3 not-for-profit organization.


The National Aphasia Association’s mission is to promote public awareness and understanding of aphasia, promote research to improve the lives of people with aphasia, and provide support to all persons with aphasia and their caregivers.

The NAA aims to provide access to research, education, rehabilitation, therapeutic, and advocacy services to individuals with aphasia and their caregivers. The NAA acts as a syndicate of resources, promoting a sense of community among individuals and caregivers.

The NAA’s website has a plethora of information and resources for aphasia caregivers, service providers, and people with aphasia. You can learn more about aphasia and find support groups. Other resources include camps and programs, helpful materials, stories and news, and a digital newsletter. The NAA is an excellent site for learning, growing, and discovering about aphasia.


National Aphasia Association